
Showing posts from October, 2023

Examining Nuance in the Book Banning Debate

     Recent debates around book banning in schools have become highly polarized and partisan. Conservative parents and politicians calling for certain titles to be removed, often accused of being anti-diversity or censoring viewpoints. But looking closely, the reality is more complex.     The catch is, regarding books focused on topics of race (or even sexuality), objections rarely focus on diversity or representation. On the contrary, concerns center on ideas that actively call for dismantling existing societal systems and structures.   Books like "Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You" face criticism not for its racial content, but specifically for arguments promoting active socialist policies that counter classical liberalism. The backlash to Critical Race Theory is less about acknowledging racism in history, and more about critiquing deconstructionist philosophies.       In contrast, classic novels including To Kill a Mockin...

Beyond Echo Chambers: Rebalancing Politics and STEM Education

    A quality education system should aim to nurture well-informed critical thinkers ready to contribute their talents to society. Schools have an obligation to provide students with a balanced curriculum grounded in the academic fundamentals. Math, science, reading, writing, history - these core subjects must remain priorities, equipping youth with empirical skills and knowledge for future success.      At the same time, avoiding social issues is not prudent in the education of future citizens. Discussing current events, societal inequities, and political controversies in a nonpartisan fact-based approach can complement traditional studies. Service learning, debate, and research help students apply knowledge to contemporary problems.      However, schools must take care not to allow partisan bias or activism to override educational goals. Academic rigor and excellence cannot become secondary to advancing specific ideological agendas. A mark...

The Struggle to Find a Doctor is Real in Vermont – But Solutions Exist

            Have you noticed an increase in wait times to see your provider, schedule a mental health checkup, or even visit your dentist recently? Vermont's severe shortage of healthcare providers receives little notice in politics or news. Between long wait times and lack of access to primary and specialty care, it’s been frustrating trying to find doctors.      Vermont ranks 47th nationally in active patient care physicians per capita, with only 229 doctors per 100,000 residents compared to the national average of 279 per 100,000. There is also a shortage of over 300 primary care providers according to a 2018 state health department study. And with nurses and doctors retiring faster than Vermont produces new graduates, the shortages are poised to worsen.      While telemedicine helps plug some gaps, nothing can replace in-person care. If Vermont wants to keep attracting young people, it must take action to expand its ...

The Progressive Strategy of One-Issue Voting & How to counter

In the arena of democracy, the art of influencing voters is a multi-faceted game, where various tactics are employed to sway opinions and secure electoral victories. One such tactic, notably used by some progressive movements, is one-issue voting, where individuals are encouraged to base their entire electoral decisions on a single, often emotionally charged issue. While advocating for passionate engagement in politics is commendable, it's essential to examine how this approach can be manipulated and exploited to further divide the electorate for political gains. Progressive tactics often involve oversimplifying complex problems to capture the emotions of voters. By reducing intricate issues to a single aspect, these tactics can be used to sway public opinion, regardless of the issue's depth and intricacies. For instance, progressive leaders may encourage their supporters to focus solely on issues like climate change or income inequality, thereby downplaying the interconnection...

Should the Supreme Court be reformed? The Case for Term Limits

    In his 2013 book "The Liberty Amendments," Mark Levin proposes establishing 12-year term limits for justices. Under Levin’s proposal, justices would serve a single 12-year term rather than holding lifetime appointments.      To transition to this system gradually, current justices would be grandfathered and exempt from term limits. Newly appointed justices would be restricted to 12-year terms. Levin also proposes capping the number of justices a president can appoint per 4-year term, likely to two, to phase in turnover.      Once fully implemented, term limits would bring regular rotation of justices and new perspectives to the Court. Levin argues this would reduce the problem of justices serving into extreme old age and limit a single president’s influence.      Term limits would also curb the the trend to "punt" legislative actions to the Supreme Court. Levin contends Congress has improperly deferred major controversies like a...